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Where are YOU! Are you going to miss it? Live ICD GRANADA 2016
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Last reduced fee registration: May 17, 2016

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Dear friend

I hope you had a good journey back home.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of ICD Granada 2016 I want to thank you for participating in the XVII International Congress of Dietetics ICD Granada 2016.

You have been the reason for this whole congress.

I want to inform you that is at your disposal the special edition of Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. You can access all the contents of the Congress by clicking here:

Also, you have at your disposal the video summary of "ICD Granada 2016" where they have been collected memorable moments of "ICD Granada 2016". You can access to the video clicking here:

I send a warm greeting and see you in Cape Town South Africa 2020!

Giuseppe Russolillo, PhD, RD.
President ICD Granada 2016

Press Notices 1


El 17 Congreso Mundial de la International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA) se celebra del 7 al 10 de septiembre con la sostenibilidad como eje argumental.

Se estrena el documental Sustainableating, que recoge las tesis de profesionales que abogan por la posibilidad real del cambio.

Un Congreso sin papel: sostenibilidad en estado puro: toda la información en el Smartphone con la APP –gratuita- ICDGranada 2017.

Desde el 7 al 10 de septiembre, Granada será lugar de encuentro y estudio de más de 2.000 dietistas provenientes de 40 países para participar en el 17 Congreso Mundial de Dietética ICD Granada 2016 que organiza la International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA), la Confederación Internacional de Asociaciones de Dietistas más importante del mundo.

Bajo el lema, 'Going to Sustainable Eating' expertos procedentes de prestigiosas universidades y voces de referencia en las principales publicaciones científicas del mundo abordarán la alimentación sostenible en toda su dimensión, desde la producción, la salud, la industria, la relación con la dieta, la gastronomía, los hábitos y las nuevas tendencias.

Las ponencias, de marcado carácter científico y divulgativo, analizarán a fondo temas que abarcan desde la sostenibilidad en el sector del Catering de la mano de Isabel Coderch y Sergi de Meià, los retos de la industria alimentaria hacia los problemas nutricionales con Halit Tanju Besler Cómo abordar el conflicto de intereses con Miguel Angel Royo. Pedro Graça introducirá en las estrategias de las industrias españolas de alimentos y bebidas para socavan la salud pública, y Desiree Nielsen tratará el coste medioambiental de la producción de alimentos. ¿Hay cabida para los alimentos ecológicos en la práctica dietética basada en la evidencia? será respondida por Anna Lartey. Joan Sabaté despejará las incógnitas de la sostenibilidad de las dietas Vegetarianas. Panela Fergusson introducirá el cambio hacia la elección de los alimentos más sostenibles y Sandra Matheson responderá a la pregunta, la comida local durante todo el año, ¿es realista?, ¿es deseable?

Documental: Sustainableating
En el marco del congreso se estrenará la película Sustainableating, película rodada sin conflicto de intereses, producida por la Fundación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas con el apoyo de ICDA, el Consejo General de Dietistas-Nutricionistas de España (CGDN-E) y la Fundación MAPFRE, que cuenta la manera en que la sociedad se alimenta puede cambiar el Planeta.

APP: ICD Granada 2016
ICD Granada 2016 va a ser uno de los primeros congresos de la historia en el que no se va a realizar comunicación alguna con papel. Toda la información, documentación, avisos, convocatorias y demás contenido susceptible de ser trasmitido en papel va a ser comunicado a través de una Aplicación para Smartphone desarrollada por una compañía española, líder mundial del sector.

Según el Dr. Giuseppe Russolillo, presidente del International Congress of Dietetics "La alimentación sostenible es aquella con bajo impacto ambiental, que contribuye a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y fomenta la vida saludable para las generaciones presentes y futuras". "Las dietas sostenibles son protectoras y respetuosas de la biodiversidad y de los ecosistemas, culturalmente aceptables, accesibles, económicamente justas y asequibles (justicia social); nutricionalmente adecuada, inocua y saludable, mientras que mejoran los recursos naturales y humanos", concluye el Dr. Giuseppe Russolillo.

Los medios de comunicación que estén interesados en obtener más información o una atención concreta sobre algún aspecto del Congreso pueden dirigirse a: amaiuriz@gmail.com
Teléfonos de contacto:
Amaia Uriz: 670 887 123
Ingortze Zubieta: 677 467 341
El presidente del Congreso y de la FEDN, el Dr. Giuseppe Russolillo, se pone a vuestra disposición a través de sendos teléfonos.

Press Notices 2



Ver tráiler: https://youtu.be/JhWmREbkYW4

En el marco de 17 Congreso Mundial de Dietética ICD Granada 2016 que comienza en Granada el 7 y se prolonga al 10 de septiembre se presenta la película SUSTAINABLEATING

El director y el productor de esta película declaran no tener conflicto de intereses con empresas del sector agroalimentario y/o farmacéutico, productores de alimentos ecológicos y organizaciones ecologistas

Mañana día 7 de setiembre, a las 10,00 horas de la mañána y a lo largo de 60 minutos, el Auditorio García Lorca del Palacio de Congresos de Granada enmudecerá escuchando y mirando una realidad de frente. Protagonistas del Sector Primario narran en primera persona su compromiso con la alimentación sostenible y expertos de reconocido prestigio del todo el mundo se apoyan en datos y evidencia científica para reclamar lo que hay que atender.

El director Juan Carlos Sabater Calafat ha dirigido este filme, y junto con el equipo formado por Roberto López Carneiro, Alejandro Carelli y Giuseppe Russolillo Femenías presenta su proyecto gestado a lo largo de cuatro años que ha llevado al equipo de rodaje a ambos lados del Océano creando un vínculo que une la necesidad del mundo occidental en recuperar su sostenibilidad para impulsarla al futuro.

La película cuenta a los ciudadanos del mundo entero que la forma de comer puede cambiar el Planeta y puede ayudar a las personas que trabajan en el mar, en el campo, en las granjas, cerca del lugar donde vivimos.

El documental encierra en clave de denuncia un mensaje optimista, positivo y profundamente convincente.

Sustainableating ha sido producida por la Fundación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas con el apoyo de la International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA), el Consejo General de Dietistas-Nutricionistas de España (CGDN-E) y la Fundación MAPFRE.

Tal y como manifiesta su director, Juan Carlos Sabater, el filme no tiene conflicto de intereses con empresas del sector agroalimentario y/o farmacéutico, productores de alimentos ecológicos y organizaciones ecologistas. El rodaje y la producción se ha desarrollado en absoluta neutralidad y libertad.

Los medios de comunicación que estén interesados en obtener más información o una atención concreta sobre algún aspecto del Congreso pueden dirigirse a: amaiuriz@gmail.com
Teléfonos de contacto:
Amaia Uriz: 670 887 123
Ingortze Zubieta: 677 467 341
El presidente del Congreso y de la FEDN, el Dr. Giuseppe Russolillo, se pone a vuestra disposición a través de sendos teléfonos.

ICD Granada 2016 APP.

Dear colleague,

‘Going to sustainable eating’ is the slogan for our ICD Granada 2016 Congress where everything revolves around the topic of sustainability.

In coherence with this, the Organizing Committee has declared the ICD 2016 a paperless congress so we encourage you to follow this initiative and make the event sustainable and respectful of the environment.

For everyone to participate and access the contents of the congress we have developed an App. Everything will be on the app so no paper will be needed at the ICD Granada 2016. We encourage you all to download the official "ICD GRANADA 2016" App.

Only by using the official App will you be able to follow the congress and have full access to all the information regarding the scientific program, abstracts, speaker bio sketches, social events and the latest news and communications. This will all be sent to you personally.

Once you have installed the App, it is very important to register. Registration is optional (as is often the case with apps). However, in this case registration is essential and will enable you to receive all the information related to the congress. Once registered, you will receive all the information, updates, news and important communications.

In the following pages we include some important aspects to keep in mind when downloading the App. We encourage to you to read everything carefully and calmly so that you can enjoy the congress.

Please remember: we can,each and every one of us, change the world. Let's be an example and let’s be coherent. ‘Going to sustainable eating’: Let’s celebrate a sustainable Congress.

Giuseppe Russolillo
President of the ICD Granada 2016

To access to all information regarding this App, how to download and use it, please click HERE

SustainablEating Film Presentation.


Dear presidents and directors of Associations of Dietitians/Nutritionists around the world,

4 years ago I started working on the organization of the XVII International Congress of Dietetics scheduled to be held in the city of Granada on 7, 8 and 9 September 2016.

The conference theme: sustainable eating.

During these years a team of dietitians/nutritionists of the Spanish Foundation of Dietitians-Nutritionists (FEDN) created a working group of young film directors, who are always excited to work on film projects of social interest.

The aim was to make a film to tell the citizens of the world that our way of eating can change the planet and can help people who work at sea, on land, on farms, near where we live.

Today I want to introduce an advance SustainablEating, a film directed by Carlos Sabater Calafat.

My life and the life of the team of people involved in this project has changed. Now, we don’t see food in the same way as before.

I would like to invite all dietitians-nutritionists around the world and leaders of the National Dietetic Association (NDA), to attend the premiere of the film will take place on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016, at 10.00 hours, in the Auditorium of the Palace Congress of Granada, within the framework of the XVII International Congress of Dietetics ICD Granada 2016. Once finished the ICD Granada 2016, the film will start a trip to other countries around the world who request to be presented to dietitians-nutritionists members of the National Dietetic Association.

I want to thank the International Confederation of Dietetics Associations (ICDA), the General Council of Dietitians- Nutritionists of Spain and the MAPFRE Foundation, the support in this film project.

SustainablEating is a movie without conflict of interest, a film produced entirely by the Spanish Foundation of Dietitians- Nutritionists with the financial support of the ICDA and the MAPFRE Foundation. This dream has become a reality thanks to the efforts of all them.

Please make click HERE and see the teaser. Watch a new way of understanding food, nature and human being living on this beautiful planet.

I hope everyone in Granada!

Giuseppe Russolillo Femenías, PhD.

Spanish Foundation of Dietitians-Nutritionist
Director´s Board

International Conference of Dietetic Associations (ICDA)

XVII International Congress of Dietetics ICD Granada 2016

Please, click HERE for further information and watch the teaser of the film

Available social program ICD Granada 2016


The Organizing Committee ICD Granada 2016 has arranged a great social program consisting of:

  1. Visit Alhambra and Generalife Tour.
  2. Night Visit Alhambra Palacios Nazaríes
  3. Guided Tour Albaicin and Sacromonte Gitano
  4. Flamenco show

The Alhambra is one of the most visited monuments in the world. For this reason, it is quite difficult to find tickets to visit the Alhambra

The Organization has a limited number of tickets to be sold until they run out.

The "ICD Granada 2016" strongly recommends you to buy your tickets as soon as possible. We also recommend you to visit the Albaicin and Sacromonte and do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the authentic flamenco show in Zambra María la Canastera.

You will find all the information upon the social program by clicking HERE

Welcome to Twin's Festival!


The first day of ICD Granada 2016, on September 7th 2016, will take place at 19.30 the Twins Festival Welcome reception.

All twins dietitians will meet each other “face – to – face” after one year of having been in contact via email.

In addition, all congress participants will celebrate the beginning of ICD Granada 2016 with a big party.

There will be activities, food, drinks, different music and mainly, a lot of fun.

All information of the Festival Twins can be found by clicking HERE

The ticket price is 25 euros. If you have not bought your ticket yet, you can buy it by sending an email to icdgranada2016@mastercongresos.com

Come to Quixote Dinner and live a Middle Ages experience!


The Organizing Committee of ICD Granada 2016 proposes all congress participants to come back to the past and enjoy a Middle Ages experience: taste the food of the year 1477.

In commemoration of the fourth Centenary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, we will organize the ICD Granada 2016 Official Dinner named "Quixote Dinner" that will take place on September 8th 2016 at 21.00 hours.

The Quixote Dinner will be a unique gastronomic experience which keeps all requirements of a sustainable food.

The menu has been taken from a medieval book written by Ruperto de Nola and the dinner presentation will follow medieval customs.

All information about Quixote Dinner can be checked by clicking HERE

The ticket price for the Official dinner is 60 euros. If you have not bought your ticket yet, you can buy it by sending an email to icdgranada2016@mastercongresos.com

Where are YOU! Are you going to miss it? Live ICD GRANADA 2016
In a wonderful initiative we have asked registered dietitians in ICD Granada 2016 tell you what will happen during the days 7, 8, 9 and 10 September 2016 in the city of Granada.

Live the experience! Live ICD Granada 2016!

To see them, hear them, listen to them, know them, feel them ... click HERE

Extended the deadline for reduced registration until May 17, 2016: last chance
The Congress organization informs you that due to the high number of requests received, we have proceeded to extend the deadline for the reduced registration fee.

The last day to benefit from the reduced registration fee will be 17 May 2016.

The organizers want you to enjoy this experience in advance, click the following video:


Dietitians/Nutritionist from different corners of the planet will tell you what will happen in the ICD of Granada 2016.

The Scientific Program of ICD Granada 2016 is now available!
After months of work you can now check the Scientific Program of ICD Granada 2016.

The program is extensive and exciting!

The scientific program is so extensive that it will be impossible to attend all the conferences. For this reason, the organization of ICD Granada 2016 recommends you to check the program with time enough, so you can have in advance and schedule of the conferences you will be attending.

Please check the program by clicking HERE

The Nazaries Hotel is the official hotel of the ICD Granada 2016
The organization of the ICD Granada informs that the Nazaries hotel will be the hotel in which speakers and members of the Congress organization will stay.

The organization of the 2016 Granada ICD wants to promote physical activity during the congress. Thus, we propose you to walk from the hotel to the conference venue.

Please find below a map of Granada, showing the best way to reach the venue from the Hotel MA Nazaries.

The organization has booked a limited number of rooms, so if you have not booked your accommodation yet, please contact the hotel Nazaries indicating that you are a participant of the ICD Granada 2016 or fill in the following form and send it to:
accommodation NAZARIES

Key dates
July 30, 2015. Ends the deadline "become to speaker"
October 1, 2015. Provisional Scientific Program for the ICD Granada 2016.
December 15th, 2015. It ends the deadline "Call for abstracts".
January 11th, 2016. Deadline for reduced registration ICD Granada 2016.
May 17th, 2016. Deadline for last reduced fee registration ICD Granada 2016.
May 18th to August 23, 2016. Deadline for registration ICD Granada 2016.


If you are having problems with the credit card payment, please consider the following solutions

  • Try with another internet browser
  • Try the payment a bit later ( The system can blocks the access, if there are many users trying to access at the same time)
  • If you have entered your credit card details and you get an error, please contact your bank because they sometimes block the payment to avoid possible frauds)

Anyway, if you keep having problems, you can also pay by bank transfer, please find below the bank account details:
Mastercongresos S.L.
Bank: La Caixa, Paseo de la Chopera, 182-184, 28100 Alcobendas - Madrid
Account Number 2100 3742 54 2200098922.
IBAN: ES6821003742542200098922
A copy of the bank transfer is required. Please include the full name of the person registered in the transfer order, otherwise we can not confirm registration. Please send receipt by email to the mailbox: icdgranada2016@mastercongresos.com

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the Technical Secretariat: icdgranada2016@mastercongresos.com

The official flyer for the ICD students program
This is a unique chance for students to attend the most important congress of dietetics in the world!


More Twins they will not be accepted
The “Twinning dietitians around the world” project has been a great success. We are thrilled and grateful for the amazing welcome it has had among the foreing colleagues.

We would like to thank all those foreing dietitians who have signed up for the “Twinning dietitians around the world” campaign.

Although many Spanish dietitians have enrolled in the campaign, the number of foreign dietitians is higher and we had to create a waiting list. To avoid the waiting list continues to grow, for now we will not accept more foreing dietitians.

We will continue asking our Spanish colleagues to join the campaign and we will try to find a spanish twin for everyone at the waiting list as soon as possible

You have available the provisional scientific programme for the ICD Granada 2016
The ICD Granada 2016 Organization Committee has the pleasure to announce that from today is available the list of theaccepted oral presentations that will form the ICD Granada 2016 Scientific Programme.

The ICD Granada 2016 Organization Committee, the ICDA General Board and the Spanish Foundation of Dietitians-Nutritionist are grateful for the high number of proposals received, as well as the implication and dedication of all Dietitians-Nutritionists around the World.

Thank you very much. The level of the oral presentations is very high and the participation has exceeded our expectations overloading the structure of the scientific programme.For this reason, the Organization Committee is currently undertaking the necessary steps to have available all the meeting rooms of the Congress Venue in order to locate the high number of applications received and approved by the Scientific Committee.

More than 225 oral presentations have been accepted and included in the ICD Granada 2016 provisional Programme from 30 different countries, what a great success!.

In addition to the submissions received, 12 provisional workshops and five symposia of great scientific interest will be organized. These events will be published in the ICD Granada Congress website under the "Workshops and symposia" section shortly.

We encourage you to visit the provisional Scientific Program in order to know what will happen in the ICD Granada 2016.

For more information, CLIC HERE

The deadline for the call for abstracts is extended until December 15th, 2015
The Spanish Foundation of Dietitian invites you to submit an abstract of your research focusing on novel research that contributes to the scientific field of nutrition science. All of them will be considered for presentation at our 17st ICD Congress that will take place in Granada in September 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th 2016.

The deadline for the call for abstracts is extended until December 15th, 2015.

Submission of abstracts is encouraged in the following areas:

  • Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy
  • Community Nutrition and Public Health
  • Food and nutrition security
  • Feeding in Emergency Situation
  • Mass Catering
  • New foods and Food Technology
  • Research on basic and applied nutrition
  • Physical activity and sport
  • Teaching, Education and Training of the Dietitian-Nutritionist
  • Applied Dietetics
  • Culture and Food Anthropology
  • Nutrition education
  • Regulation of the profession of the Dietitian-Nutritionist
  • Cuisine and gastronomy
  • Food and Sustainability
  • Innovation in food, nutrition and dietetics
  • Information technology and communication
  • Ethics of the profession of dietitian

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, who will elect which communications will be presented during the Congress to an audience and the chosen ones will be contacted between the 1st and the 15th of March 2016. All communications will be supplied in a poster format, although those selected to be presented as oral communication. Resolutions will be communicated between the 1st and the 15th of March 2016.

It's important to consider that at least one of the authors of the documents needs to be subscribed to the Congress to be able to submit the application (before or after it's accepted), admitting a maximum of three communications per subscription.

You can find more information following this link.

Remember that the deadline for the call for abstracts is extended until December 1, 2015 and will be the last deadline for submitting abstracts to the congress.

We hope to see you in Granada.
Organizing Committee ICD Granada 2016

Open call for abstracts
The ICD Granada 2016 reports that the deadline for presenting scientific papers at Granada ICD 2016 is open. From the organization of the Congress and from the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations we want to encourage all dietitians / nutritionists the world present their scientific work and share their "professional and research" experiences.
The deadline for submitting scientific papers ends on November 1, 2015.
For more information, go HERE

Become a speaker: extended the deadline for applications until July 30, 2015
The organization of the 2016 Granada ICD reports that it has extended the deadline for submitting requests to "become a speaker". To date, the ICD Granada 2016 has received numerous nominations of dietitians/nutritionists the world. Do you want to become a speaker at the congress? You want to give a lecture at the 2016 Granada ICD? We would love to hear ICD Granada in 2016.
All information go HERE

Twinning Dietitians around the world
The ICD Granada 2016 has organized a nice multicultural and sustainable experience. We propose to all dietitians/nutritionists the world that are twinned between them. Thus, dietitians/nutritionists who come to Granada 2016 ICD can twin with a dietitian/nutritionist Spain, sharing the coming months email conversation, plan the trip to Granada and meet in person for the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th September 10, 2016.
There is a dietitian/nutritionist in Spain waiting to be your twin, do you cheer?
All information please go HERE